
Science advances day by day in all areas and at all scales, and I think that choosing an application of nanoscience is quite complicated. If I am sincere, I have informed myself a little about it since listening to microparticles makes me immediately think of a more biologist area and those who know me know that my interest in biology is null.

Therefore, and considering that my career does not have a biologist approach, before writing this publication I decided to look for some information and I found really wonderful things that have a great significance in one of the areas that Chemistry focuses on.

In the energy field, nanoscience can be used in the production of renewable energies. For example, reduce the costs and in order to enhance of obtaining solar energy with photovoltaic cells, it is possible to use nanoparticles absorbing sunlight, or in obtaining hydraulic energy, seawater corrosion can be avoided thanks to the anti-fouling coating of the material.

Also, I am struck by the application of nanomaterials to generate environmental benefits, as there are nanoparticles such as iron that have been used to decontaminate lead water and arsenic, or copper and silver nanoparticles to eliminate the presence of the bacteria E. coli from contaminated water.

However, nanoparticles can still be harmful to humans due to their properties. Some can be found in sunscreens and by applying them form free radicals, DNA modification is possible. Or when inhaled or ingest them easily pass into the bloodstream because they are extremely mobile, being able to circulate throughout the body and interact with the cells.

And even if it has negative consequences, they have had a great beneficial impact in its different applications, and as scientists we must continue research so that nanoscience continues to advance and there is a significant change in humanity such as the cure of cancer…


  1. It is beautiful and unknown, it is surprising that something of such magnitude is used in sunscreens.

  2. in Chile, scientists are working with gold nanoparticles to treat Alzheimer


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