
Born in Copenhagen After taking his doctorate at the University of Copenhagen in 1911, and trying to expand his studies at the Cavendish Laboratory in Cambridge with the chemist Joseph John Thomson, discoverer of the electron (the theme of Bohr's doctoral thesis) and winner of the Nobel Prize in 1906, who did not show great interest in the young Bohr, completed his studies in Manchester, having as a teacher Ernest Rutherford, with whom he established a lasting scientific and friendly relationship. Based on the theories of Ernest Rutherford (atom of Rutherford) he published his own atomic model (Bohr's atomic model) in 1913, introducing the theory of quantized orbits, which in quantum mechanical theory consists of the characteristics that, around the nucleus Atomic, the number of electrons in each orbit increases from the inside to the outside. In their model, in addition, the electrons could fall (to go from one orbit to another) from an outer orbital to an inner one, emitting a photon of discrete energy, fact on which quantum mechanics is based.
I like this scientist a lot because his contributions were one of the precursors to give way to quantum mechanics, providing a new vision to analyze the behavior of subatomic particles, especially the behavior of electrons.


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