My Holidays💕

Well, maybe they have not been the best holidays, but I'll talk about them because very important events happened to me.

It was recently, for the national holidays, when we decided to leave the whole family together, my brother, my parents and me. Due to space issues we could not take our pets😢, but they stayed taking care of the house😄.

We could only leave 5 days, since my family has to go back to the daily routine and work. However, they were 5 days well enjoyed.

We started our trip being Chillán our first stop, there we went to visit my grandmother and uncle Lulu to the cemetery, then we had lunch at the Chillán market and went to my uncle Lalo's house.

After our first night there, we woke up early to continue our way to Los Angeles. We went to meet a cousin of my mom who had not seen since she was 10 years old, it was a nice reunion. In addition, in the south the people are more affectionate, and we spent a beautiful day with them, we had a very tasty barbecue and enjoyed as a family. An entertaining anecdote that happened to me there, was that among the stories that they told us, I knew that one of my colleagues from the University was a student of my mother's cousin haha.

Later, we traveled to Yumbel, a small but affectionate town, where several relatives of my father live. But without a doubt, the most important destination of this trip was Linares. There my uncle Marcelo lives, he is my father's brother and they could never meet despite being neighbors since they separated them when they were very young and they were reunited after 45 years. It is perhaps the most important thing for my dad and for that reason, it is something important for me.


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